Der Mensch das Augenwesen, braucht das Bild.
sagte Leonardo da Vinci und das soll ein wenig der Sinn dieser Seite sein.
Mein Name ist Thomas, eines meiner Hobbys ist die Fotografie. Ich stelle keinen Anspruch darauf, technisch perfekte Bilder zu machen sondern ich versuche Bilder zu machen die Erinnerungen, Emotionen, Gefühle und anderes ausdrücken. Viele meiner Bilder sind Experimente und ich arbeite in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, ein Luxus den man sich nur leisten kann wenn man so etwas nicht professionell betreibt. Es freut mich ganz besonders wenn andere gefallen an meinen Bildern finden und ich die Möglichkeit bekomme, Ideen anderer umzusetzen oder jemand Interesse an meinen Bildern hat. Ich bitte nur darum, das Copyright zu beachten.
Wie auch immer ich freue mich über jeden Kommentar egal ob Kritik, Wunsch, Anregung oder was auch immer.
Worte machen Bilder
The Human beeing, creature of eyes, needs the image.
said Leonardo da Vinci and that is supposed to be a little bit the point of this page.
My name is Thomas, one of my hobbies is photography. I am not claiming to make technically perfect pictures but I try to take pictures that express memories, emotions, feelings and other things. Many of my pictures are experiments and I work in different areas, a luxury that you can only afford if you don't do something like this professionally. I am particularly happy when others like my pictures and I get the opportunity to implement other people's ideas or someone is interested in my pictures. I only ask to observe the copyright. However I am happy about every comment whether criticism, request, suggestion or whatever.
Words make pictures
23.04.2018: Acceptance, Trierenberg Super Circuit 2018 Special Themes x 3
19.04.2019: Acceptance, Trierenberg Super Circuit 2019 Water x 1 Children of the World x1 General x2 Nature x2
01.- 03.11.2019 Digital Displayed at World Valid Hall Gallery Barcelona, Spain "People in the City"
31.01 - 02.02.2020 Digital Displayed at the exhibition "Artistic still Life" at the BBA Circle, Berlin, Germany.
09. - 11.01.2020 Digital Displayed at the exhibition "My Favorite Shot" at Ravnikar Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia!
24 - 26.04.2020 Digital Displayed at World Valid Hall Gallery Barcelona, Spain "Street Photo"
24 - 26.04.2020 Digital Displayed at World Valid Hall Gallery Barcelona, Spain Second Category
14. - 17.03.2020 appeareance at the Photography show, Birmingham UK "Solo - Single Subject" Postponed-Corona!
09. - 11.04.2020 Digital Displayed at the Laurent Gallery Melbourne, Australia "Borders"
05. - 07.06.2020 Digital displayed at at the BBA Circle, Berlin, Germany. "Art of B&W"
01. -03.05.2020 at PH21 Photography Gallery, Budapest, Hungary "Art of Photography"
26.- 28.06.2020 at LACP in Los Angeles "Minimalism"
26. -28.06.2020 Digital Displayed at the Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece "Nature Photography"
10. - 13.04.2020 Digital Displayed at the Laurent Gallery Melbourne, Australia "Best of Black & White"
18.- 24.08.2020 Digital displayed at the Brick Lane Gallery London "Solo single Subject"
3. -5.09.2020 Digital displayed at the interland Galerie in Vienna, as well as in the complimentary Virtual Exhibition. "Street Photography"
Published on the amateurphotographer.co.uk "Macro Photography"
25. - 27.09. 2020 Digital displayed at the Blank Wall Gallery Athens, Greece "my favourite shot"
01. - 03.10.2020 Digitally showcased in the "Mostly Black" exhibition at The Fridge Gallery, in Washington DC, USA.
08. - 10.10 2020 Digital displayed in the "Travel Photography" exibition at the World Valid Hall Barcelona Spain
Best Of The Best Photographers 2021 Vol. 10: One Eyeland Photography Book 1 Page https://oneeyeland.com/book/
Best Of The Best Photographers 2022 Vol 11: One Eyeland Photography Book 1 Page https://oneeyeland.com/book/
Landscape Photographer Of The Year one of 40 images which where selected to be printed and showcased at Agora Gallery, New York City! February 24th, 2022 until February 26th
Art of Photography one of 40 images which where selected to be printed and showcased at Espaço Espelho D'agua, Lisboa Portugal. July 15th 2022 until July 17th 2022
My best shot one of 40 images which where selected to be printed and showcased at Matca Gallery, Hanoi Vietnam. November 24th 2022 until November 29th 2022.
You're Exhibition shot one of 40 images which were selected to be printed and showcased at Espacio El Dorado Gallery in Bogota Colombia!. February 16th 2023 until February 18th 2023.
Trierenberg Super Circuit.
Apperance in the Luxury edition book with masterpieces from the world's largest and last photo art contest TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT. The 608 page hardcover edition in outstanding printing quality consists of more than 2000! reproductions. It is a never ending wealth of stunning ideas.
From September 1, 2022 onwards.
Best Of The Best Photographers 2023 Vol 12: One Eyeland Photography Book 1 Page https://oneeyeland.com/book/
Preselected for the book „DIE BESTEN TIERFOTOS DER WELT – EXPEDITION & AUGENREISE“ out of 25.000 for worlds best animal pictures.
UPDATE both selected pictures will be printed in the book!
Preselected for the book „FOKUS FOTOGRAFIE – MEISTERHAFTES SEHEN UND ERFASSEN“ out of 200.000 for the world best Pictures.
UPDATE, the preselected Picture will be printed in the book!
Art of Black and white one of 40 images which were selected to be printed and showcased at Espacio El Dorado Gallery in Bogota Colombia!. January 25th 2024 until January 27th 2024.
My exhibition Shot one of 40 images which were selected to be printed and showcased at Matca Gallery, Hanoi Vietnam. November 30th 2023 until December 5th 2023.
My exhibition Shot one of 40 images which were selected to be printed and showcased at Valid Works Hall Gallery, Barcelona Spain March 22th 2024 until March 24th 2024.
Art of Photography one of 40 images which were selected to be printed and showcased at Valid Works Hall Gallery, Barcelona Spain September 13th 2024 until September 15th 2024.
ArtboxsProjects Zürich 5.0
Shown with the image "come on follow us" at the Swissartexpo, Mainstation Zurich Switzerland from 06th -10th sept 2023
ArtboxsProjects Venezia 2.0
Shown with the images "Castle in the sky" and "1000 Cranes" at the Biennale Artbox Expo, Cipriarte Gallery, Venice Italy, from 10th - 30th April 2024
Selected and printed with 2 images out of 75000 for the book "Motiva Photo Art Festival Luxury Edition"
Theme "Weibs-Bilder Images of Woman" and "Sport, Dynamics & Movement"