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I love horses and I love horses especialy because of their strength and dynamic. So I tried to capture this in some winter images.... I hope you enjoy them as much as I do…


Ich liebe Pferde und ich liebe Pferde ganz besonders auf Grund Ihrer Kraft und Dynamik . Deshalb habe ich versucht das in einigen Winterbildern festzuhalten.... Ich hoffe Ihr mögt die genau so wie ich...


First of all you have to do a team meeting
Prince Charming
lena the pregnant Girlie
Lena in snow
Prince carming das Welsh Mountain wonder
prince charming das welshmountainwonder
Mago, spnish horse
Spnish horse mago
Mago spanish horse in snow
sugar overo mare
sugar paint overo mare
sugar paint overo
Sugar paint overo mare
Len_Prince enough is enough
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